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How long will it take you to adopt Windows Vista as your OS?

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change can be hard. i know i used to tell everyone how rubbish xp was when it arrived and how fantastic 98 and 2000 were - i thought it was rubbish because when i first installed xp there was a driver problem so i gave up and didn't look at it again for a few months.

i felt like a complete idiot when i finally gave xp another go. it was/is the best operating system i've used so far. okay, so you need the right machine to put it on.

when will i buy vista? not on the day of release but within the first few months - just enough time for driver issues to be sorted. i wouldn't be too surprised if there is a work around for the drm issues (or crack).

i'm happy enough with xp to be honest but i want that 'black' gui that vista has. pathetic reason i know.

i have to joint the chorus of winxp praisers.  well, 2000 and xp to me are basically the same - the point is that compared to win9x and me, win2k/xp is just 10000x more stable, and it really is quite stable.  so kudos to microsoft they did do a good job in that department from my experience.

Linux. And that's ALL I have to say. Except I really liked W2K. XP was just fancier.
I just took the (slightly outdated) "What OS are you" quiz on BBSpot and (this is too creepy) guess what?...
I'm "Slackware Linux".
Take a wild flying guess what I run at home...

Carol Haynes:
As a long time Windows sufferer (anyone else remember the joys of Windows 2? What about GEM?) I'd like to move to Linux but I have too many bits of hardware without proper Linux drivers (not least my printer and my scanner not to mention most of my USB stuff, including my Canon SLR). The other problem I have with Linux is that I have too much money invested in Windows based software. I know WINE works with some stuff but what is the point of running Linux and then trying to emulate Windows to run Adobe PhotoShop?

Personally I will probably upgrade to Vista at some point, but it will be at least a couple of years after release so that they have time to iron out the major issues that are bound to plague it for at least the first year - Vista SP1 seems like a good target. Win2k/XP are pretty good OSes (not perfect)  knocking the earlier versions of Windows out for good but have really only got rid of most of the gremlins in the last couple of years (esp. in XP).

Anyone still using Win98 should either have a damn good reason (like some ancient hardware that is essential to them) or be barking mad ... I still shudder when I think of the amount of time I spent troubleshooting crashes in 98. Anyone still using ME is definitely barking mad - that was even worse than 98 (and that was MS's own judgment).


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