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NANY 2012 RELEASE: Portable Extension Warlock

<< < (10/13) > >>

Hi hamradio.

Long time donationcoder reader. Somehow missed your app. I have been looking for something similar for AGES.

I am having a lot of problems even just settings thing up.

On launch of PortableExtensionWarlock.exe

I get the following error:

Error while loading Portable Extension Warlock data.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

--- End quote ---

I click OK and go into the app.

i try to add an entry and get this error


Index and length must refer to a location within the string.

Parameter name: length

--- End quote ---

Please help! I really, really want to get PEW working :(

Hi hamradio.

Long time donationcoder reader. Somehow missed your app. I have been looking for something similar for AGES.

I am having a lot of problems even just settings thing up.

On launch of PortableExtensionWarlock.exe

I get the following error:

Error while loading Portable Extension Warlock data.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

--- End quote ---

I click OK and go into the app.

i try to add an entry and get this error


Index and length must refer to a location within the string.

Parameter name: length

--- End quote ---

Please help! I really, really want to get PEW working :(
-stisev (March 03, 2015, 06:50 AM)
--- End quote ---

I will look into the error when I get feeling better which I hope is soon. I have had a bad ear infection + strep.

Note: Checkup on me in a couple days if I haven't posted an update.

Get better soon, ham!

Okay a new version is up check first post for download link.

Also stisev sorry I couldn't get to it sooner cause of my sickness I would appreciate if you report back on it so I know it is fixed/I still got to track it down.

I finally ate more than I have been since Monday tonight, so I felt somewhat like poking in my code to hopefully find/fix it. :)

Hi hamradio,
Sorry for the delay. I didn't subscribe to this thread to see the response in time.

Anyways, here are few issues that are lacking to make this one of the most useful utilities EVER.

Bug #1: 
1. Open clean (virgin) copy of PEW
2. Immediately click top left button for "Save the launch file" (with no entries).  [[Note: PEW saves launch file]]
3. Close PEW
4. Open PEW
5. Observe error (see pic)

The utility is exactly what I was looking for. It is cleanly designed and portable and actively developed. However, few things make it ultimately not so useful for me. I know there are others looking for the same thing, because the net was littered with requests similar to this one with no solution in sight :(

Here are the problems::

1. CRITICAL: Right click > sendto is extremely cumbersome and time consuming. While some people may welcome this and dropzone for portability, honestly this is not the tool that would be useful.  The best functionality IMO would be all your portable file associations in PEW just like it is, but what PEW does is "associate" itself with Windows (8.1+) set file associations so that when a user opens the file IN WINDOWS EXPLORER, it launches PEW and PEW in turn quickly launches the other app and (PEW) closes itself. 
The reason to do this is because reinstalling and re-doing file associations is an inveritable NIGHTMARE on Windows 8+, so this functionality would help save a lot of time. 

In summary. The user would:
1. Launch PEW
2. Add all associations
3. Save/close PEW
4. Launch PEW and have it "associate" with all the file extensions in the app entered.
5. PEW will take over file associations and place the user-enabled icon (if any) in windows explorer
6. When User double clicks on "Fileextensions.txt" for example, it will launch PEW > Notepad++.exe with text file >> closes PEW
2. If #1 is enabled, PEW should allow user to choose/change the icon displayed in windows explorer (so you can see set and forget your icons with 1 click) and save this information/icon information portably
3. Minor: Settings?
4. Minor: Should have AUTO-update check setting / portable self-installation available.

Please tell me if I am completely out of line, but I have not found an app that does this. I have tried all of them I believe.


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