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NANY 2012 RELEASE: Portable Extension Warlock

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Your very welcome.  Will have another beta with it soon for your testing as that was next on the my list once I made sure it was working for you as well. :)

Okay try re-downloading the beta from the location mentioned before and let me know what you think. I am still debating on how I am displaying it at the moment, so thoughts would be nice. Seems I cant get it to follow the mouse though atm. It will appear near where the mouse first enters the dropzone though. :Thmbsup:

A new beta has just been posted @ with a few bug fixes, other behind the scene enhancements, and a few skins removed and some added for the DropZone. :)
Just will need to get the file with beta in it's name else you are getting the latest non beta version.

thanks for the new updates, hamradio! :Thmbsup:

Is it possible to start launcher with text file parameter?

I mean: such text file would contain the list of files I would like to open and PEW could do one of these steps:
1. for each file start associated application
2. start application associated with all files extensions and:
- pass list of files to it
- pass all files as parameters
3. just pass the list over.

It would be nice if I could use PEW together with Total Commander. Since TC can generate temporary file with list of all things selected (%L parameter) I could help if PEW was able to handle it.


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