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It's alive, it's alive!!! mwahaha! - WinButtons and 7" touchscreen works

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You can run several instances of WinButtons (by giving it a -f filename command-line parameter for a specific file, and -t xxx -l yyy for a specific desktop position) that are positioned side by side so you have quicker response when switching apps in a context-sensitive config (less buttons to redraw), and because of less screen updates, there's less distraction for the user.
-Ath (December 10, 2011, 09:19 AM)
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Right, didn't know that. That sounds like a better way of switching layouts. I shall attempt that when I do the new layouts.

I shall also be punching myself in the face several times.-nudone (December 10, 2011, 09:04 AM)
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Want some help with that?  ;D

Currently the MIMO is working. Yes. Yes, it is.
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Good news indeed.
Like yours, mine is running from a powered hub on a monitor. Did you ever try connecting both of its USB inputs?

Did you ever try connecting both of its USB inputs?
-cranioscopical (December 10, 2011, 10:39 AM)
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The 7" model only has 1 input, and only 1 connector on each end of the cable (that are each in their sockets), for what I know, so, what both USB inputs? :o

The MYMO had two USB cables IIRC. So I was a bit surprised that the MIMO only had one. I think Chris has the 10 inch screen?..

The MYMO had two USB cables IIRC. So I was a bit surprised that the MIMO only had one. I think Chris has the 10 inch screen?..
-nudone (December 10, 2011, 12:50 PM)
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No. The MIMO that I have is a 7", bought directly from the MIMO web site. It's a MIMO Touch2. It wants 1.0A from a USB connection and comes with a double-headed connector (I use only one with no problems).

I was going to buy the 10" but I'm glad that I did not. The 7" does all that I need without being too cumbersone.


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