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It's alive, it's alive!!! mwahaha! - WinButtons and 7" touchscreen works

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What is the "Caption" for?
-nudone (September 07, 2011, 01:18 PM)
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It can be used to have a button without text or image, just color, or to have a dynamically updated caption (displaying time for instance, see the examples for condition<n> in the WinButtons.Readme.txt file)

I see. I've kept all files inside the same folder whilst editing and running them so that shouldn't be the cause of my troubles. Perhaps the default values where I've not specified something are doing things I wasn't expecting - I'll have to look.

I see I wasn't using the "Caption" correctly then.

One thing I'd like to point out that appears to be working very well is that the, original, "Restore cursor after button" feature provides a very nice "cosmetic" solution to MIMO's software failings.

MIMO's utility is correctly locking the mouse cursor on the main monitor when a buttons is hit on the touchscreen BUT it doesn't stop the cursor icon from appearing momentarily under your finger when you press the touchscreen.

BUT, using the "Restore cursor after button" of WinButtons at the same time, does prevent the mouse icon from appearing on the touchscreen.

In other words, a combination of both functions creates the mouse cursor movement and appearance you'd expect, i.e. you never see the cursor appear on the touchscreen.  :Thmbsup:

One thing I'd like to point out that appears to be working very well is that the, original, "Restore cursor after button" feature provides a very nice "cosmetic" solution to MIMO's software failings.
-nudone (September 07, 2011, 01:40 PM)
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Hmm, I'll probably revert to that method then, and see if the performance improvement I did, is also useful.

Just another quick "tip" for anyone else going down this route of getting a MIMO.

I've been saying how well it worked with the freeze/memory/lock mouse cursor thing when hitting a button. Well, I've just seen it not work.

This looks like it's a delay issue, so you have to give the system time to put the mouse cursor back to its original location. I think the delay must vary too.

Now, those of you with modern machines probably won't even notice and everything will work instantly - so, no problem for you.

You know what. My moods may be dangerously erratic when it comes to working with this computer (and the problems I create for myself on it) BUT...

This touchscreen system is working  f a n t a s t i c a l l y  even in these early stages.

I'm swapping between different modes and features in Photoshop like it's all a natural part of the hardware and software. Adobe are going to wonder why they bothered making their iPad apps when they see what this can do.


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