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It's alive, it's alive!!! mwahaha! - WinButtons and 7" touchscreen works

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So, today's lesson is: don't by MYMO. (Which I'll have to mention in the Amazon review for this product.)-nudone (September 06, 2011, 07:32 AM)
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That's a useful lesson: I just ordered a 7" MIMO. Was tempted by the larger screens but...

Needless to say, I'm far too busy at the moment to do anything with it (isn't it always the way?) but I may be past that by the time it arrives here.

Dare I hope that you'll make available any Creative Suite templates you might build with WinButtons?

Oh, and @Ath, I shan't be sending one to you  ;D

I'm in the process of putting together the button templates, well, I've started on the Photoshop one.

If you've got a list of suggestions for which buttons and functions to use then I'll have a go at creating the templates. Or, I will provide the blank template that you can put your own icons into.

The basic template I'll upload later (this week). Which you could easily just insert text labels instead of icons on the buttons.

Oh, and @Ath, I shan't be sending one to you  ;D
-cranioscopical (September 06, 2011, 08:50 AM)
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That's kind of a disappointment, but I'll survive ;D

I'm sure ath will get it working great once he starts playing with a setup similar to yours ;)
-jgpaiva (September 06, 2011, 08:50 AM)
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I'm working on making the currently fixed buffer a bit more flexible, I'll probably release the update later this week.

This is totally awesome, nudone.

This is totally awesome, nudone.
-superboyac (September 06, 2011, 12:34 PM)
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It will be (hopefully).

Just thought I'd better mention something I've just realised regarding lying the touchscreen flat, as jgpaiva and timns had wondered about.

It's not really going to be possible because of the USB connection being at the back of the screen. On the MIMO the socket is in the very center and on the MYMO it's not far off.

Maybe there are (mini) USB connectors that are 90 degrees to the cable, so you'd almost be able lie the screen flat but you'd have to provide some clearance for the connector - or angle it or something.

On the MIMO, the stand would have to be removed somehow too. It doesn't look like it's designed to separate to me.


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