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It's alive, it's alive!!! mwahaha! - WinButtons and 7" touchscreen works

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c) I don't think I'll be putting it on the left of the keyboard as that means more distance for my eyes to travel, which is why I've put it under the main screen (and above the keyboard). I'm staring at the screen and don't look at my keyboard when I type, so putting the touchscreen as close to the main screen seems to be the right thing to do. timns said he wanted to try the touchscreen, flat on table, left of keyboard like you suggested. Which, makes me wonder is this a preference for people that don't touch-type (i.e. if you look at the keyboard whilst typing, maybe the touchscreen is better placed next to the keyboard).
-nudone (September 05, 2011, 10:59 AM)
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Actually, I also write without looking at the keyboard, my idea was that it might be easier/faster for the eyes to travel down than for the left hand to travel a larger distance to the touchscreen. If the screen was being used as a "heads-up display" with no touch-screen capabilities, I would think like you.

As for drawing with the touchscreen, I wonder if there's some confusion as to what I'm using it for. I'll only be using the touchscreen as a glorified keyboard. I'll have different "key" or button layouts and sizes depending on which program I'm using. So, I'm not actually drawing on the touchscreen - I just prod the "keys" on it.
-nudone (September 05, 2011, 10:59 AM)
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Yes, I understood that, I ment seeing it being used as a neat "toolbox" which you can touch to switch tools.

This is the beginning of the whole project though. There's really an entire universe of ways this could be used. Maybe Windows 10 will approach something like what I think WinButtons and a touchscreen can do.
-nudone (September 05, 2011, 10:59 AM)
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I look forward to see you transport us into the future with this project, now I'm especially curious about your list of "improvements".

Ah, yes, I see.

Maybe I'll change the position of everything after I realise this isn't really the most efficient layout.

As for the improvements, they are only simple things that I'm confident Ath could implement without much trouble. Many are things we've all become used to over the years, like buttons changing their colour or "state" if they've been hit - but now I've thought about that I can see how that could be a problem in itself, unless everything worked 100% reliably.

Nice work, Ath!  Thanks for the pics, nudone!

I know timns was also very keen to try using a touchscreen - but he was waiting for me to be the guinea pig-nudone (September 05, 2011, 05:15 AM)
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He's not the only one  ;D  :Thmbsup:  ;D

Thanks for the narrative!

I've now got a "mImo" touchscreen plugged in to my machine. Yesterday it was a "mYmo" touchscreen. Yep, I ordered another screen to see if there are any differences between the two brands.

At the moment I'm unsure which I prefer, though, it seems that the MIMO has more options and better help file.

Crucially, the MIMO has an option to reposition the mouse cursor to its original position before the touchscreen was pressed. In other words, the touchscreen doesn't steal the pointer away from where you really need it on your main screen(s); so the touchscreen behaves like a touchscreen ought to work (in my opinion). I've not tested this option out for more than a few trials; it isn't perfect, so it might be proof yet that these types of touchscreens are still made by people that never use them.

The MYMO is meant to have a similar "don't move the mouse cursor" option but it doesn't work. (I will try again later.)

And, interestingly, the MIMO comes with a "Toolbar" creator. You wouldn't know this without digging around in the help as it's only enabled via a command line switch. I thought this was going to be the solution to everything as it provides more options than WinButtons has - BUT it doesn't work (have touchscreen makers not learnt anything from all the touchscreen phones and tablets that have been around for years - seems they are all living in another universe, ignorant of what a touchscreen device can really do).

The problem is that it looks like you are creating a "Toolbar" in the configuration panel but it never becomes visible anywhere on the screen (not on any screen). The help file doesn't explain why this is, it reads like the Toolbar should be visible instantly - so, again, I have to say WinButtons is the only program that provides any kind of useful touchscreen options available today. I'm quite astounded that the makers of MIMO have got a custom "toolbar" editor, then hidden it away, and then it doesn't work even when you manage to find it - I'm so annoyed by this kind of idiocy I'm on almost tempted to send both touchscreens back today and forget about the whole thing. WHAT AN ABSOLUTELY RETARDED INDUSTRY.


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