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GUI automation

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I have tried several GUI automation solutions, including AHK, AutoIt, Ranorex, Sikuli, etc.

The problem was always the same: there is no way to identify many GUI elements/controls.

is there any solution to this problem?

I need to record macros to programs that have GUI elements/controls, that do not have classnn, or other distinguishable characteristics.


I need to record macros to programs that have GUI elements/controls, that do not have classnn, or other distinguishable characteristics.
-kalos (September 04, 2011, 05:05 AM)
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Eventually, most applications have them, but they can hide it in certain situations. When building WinSendKeys I had a bit similar issues, and reverted to doing other-control-relative mouse-clicks, usually it's toolbarbuttons that don't have these classnames/classnn, but the toolbar or it's surrounding windows has, and the toolbar is often in a fixed location.

Can you give examples of applications that hide (most) controls like this? I know Firefox 4.0 and later has issues in this arena, and some apps created using C++Builder 6 have the issues with the toolbars, mentioned above, but I haven't found much other applications with this behavior.

there are so many controls that are not identifiable, for example in Pop Peeper:
I hover over the Close button, and there is nothing I see that distinguishes it from eg. the Delete button:

Have you looked at this:

Not sure if it addresses what you need.

Have you looked at this:

Not sure if it addresses what you need.
-Renegade (September 04, 2011, 07:49 AM)
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I just tried it, it looked promising but unfortunately it did not do what I want
I used a macro recorder to record opening of Pop Peeper main window, opening then an email, then clicking Close, and it only recorded the position and movements of the pointer, not any identifiable info of the windows and controls/elements.


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