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NANY 2012 Release: Ethervane Echo

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Let us know what happens if you actually run that  :tellme:
-wraith808 (February 14, 2022, 02:11 PM)
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I did. Works fine -- should I be wary of it for some reason, or are you just wondering how it works on a modern version of Windows?
(Seems to work fine on Win 10)

Let us know what happens if you actually run that  :tellme:
-wraith808 (February 14, 2022, 02:11 PM)
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I did. Works fine -- should I be wary of it for some reason, or are you just wondering how it works on a modern version of Windows?
(Seems to work fine on Win 10)
-tomos (February 14, 2022, 02:23 PM)
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I'm wary of the fact that softpedia repackaged it with an installer and it's not an archive. Just wondered if it installed anything else.

Don't download many these days but used to often, never had any issue with crap or malware, in old or new downloads, from softpedia.


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