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NANY 2012 Release: Ethervane Echo

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 :(Help! The help file headings show but none contain information. My system is a dual-core PowerSpec running Win 7 Professional 64bit, 4GB RAM, etc, etc. Any help gladly and deeply appreciated. Thank you very much in advance for your time and trouble in the timely resolution of this issue. [email protected]

:(Help! The help file headings show but none contain information. My system is a dual-core PowerSpec running Win 7 Professional 64bit, 4GB RAM, etc, etc. Any help gladly and deeply appreciated. Thank you very much in advance for your time and trouble in the timely resolution of this issue. [email protected]
-Hermano (January 12, 2012, 08:27 PM)
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Right-click on ethervaneecho.chm (to open the file properties) and click on "Unblock" button.

Oh, edit your post to delete/hide your email address.

Right-click on ethervaneecho.chm (to open the file properties) and click on "Unblock" button.-PhilB66 (January 12, 2012, 09:13 PM)
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Thanks Phil, this one is new to me!

Also, Hermano: see if you can open other programs' help files in the .chm format. You may need to have a version of Internet Explorer installed, though this is probably not required on Windows 7.

I've been a long time user of Ditto myself. I really like a lot of what you have done with this app.

Is there a setting anywhere to have the clip time NOT be updated on pasting? I've searched through the settings and couldn't find one that did this (but I may have missed it).

Ditto had a setting in the General tab called "Update Clip Time On Paste". I would always uncheck that myself when installing Ditto.

This is helpful for me when I do a lot of clipping in one app, then switch to another app and want to paste these various clips. When using Ethervane Echo, I will paste one of the clips, it then automatically goes up to the top and I then have to go searching back down the list to see where the next one was.

Thanks. Keep up the good work.

Ditto had a setting in the General tab called "Update Clip Time On Paste". I would always uncheck that myself when installing Ditto.

This is helpful for me when I do a lot of clipping in one app, then switch to another app and want to paste these various clips. When using Ethervane Echo, I will paste one of the clips, it then automatically goes up to the top and I then have to go searching back down the list to see where the next one was.
-easye (January 13, 2012, 11:16 AM)
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+ 1  :Thmbsup:


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