Software > N.A.N.Y. 2012
NANY 2012 Release: Ethervane Echo
That last history writeup was messy, so here's the essence:
* Keyboard shortcut to toggle the "stay on top" Ctrl+Y.
* Global hotkey to connect/disconnect from clipboard: Shift+Win+]. Disabled by default.
* If you typically keep Echo open and on-top of other windows (rather than hidden in the tray), you may like the new option at Preferences -> Pasting clips -> FinalWindowAction. If you set it to waRestore, Echo will restore itself after it has minimized in order to paste the clip into another application.
* Related to the above, if choose to keep Echo always on top of other windows, Echo will no longer minimize when you switch to another application, even if the MinimizeOnDeactivate option is enabled. It just makes sense this way. Thanks, Robbero!
* There is now an option to tell Echo not to capture clips from itself - for example, when you copy text in the clip editor. Preferences -> Capturing clips -> IgnoreFromSelf.
* New action was added in the Database Maintenance dialog: Refresh clip data. Use it after you have increased or decreased the MaxDispTextSize setting, so that Echo will update the database to match this setting. This takes quite a long time, because Echo must load and examine every clip. Totally optional; it just makes the database fully consistent with that important setting.
Not sure if this has been requested yet but I would like to be able to configure a sound file to play when a new clip was successfully added. I know this might be a little silly for some I need that reassurance without having to open the window to see my clip is there. I would really appreciate it :)
thank you tranglos.
Great release.
it does what it has to do.
great also the keyboard shortcut stay on top as the global hotkey.
Just maybe for another release..
you can't click direct on an item when ethervane echo has not the focus:
The first click gives the focus back and selects the first item then the 2nd click is the item I need.
Maybe you can give the focus back immediately on the item I click (the item I want to copy or paste).
It gives also a problem pasting clips. p.e. when an external application has the focus and I want to clip an item from Ethervane Echo and I double click p.e. the 4th item, the 1st item will be pasted.
I noted something strange.
When FinalWindowAction is set to waRestore
When "Stay on top" is disabled and
When minimizeondeactivate is set to true,
Ethervane Echo restores itself after clipping and immediately hide again.
I noted also that
When FinalWindowAction is set to waRestore
When "Stay on top" is enabled and
When minimizeondeactivate is set to true,
after pasting a clip (double click on item) and then copying a text in an external application ethervane echo doesn't clip the item.
Thanks again for the great release.
Not sure if this has been requested yet but I would like to be able to configure a sound file to play when a new clip was successfully added. I know this might be a little silly for some I need that reassurance without having to open the window to see my clip is there. I would really appreciate it :)
-mentallo (February 21, 2012, 01:09 AM)
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I'll see about playing a system sound. Meanwhile, in order to have assurance, you can enable the "balloon" notifications: Tools -> Preferences -> Display. Near the bottom you'll find an option called TrayMsgsToSkip. By default it includes capture notifications, so that Echo does not bother you with a notification at every capture.
So open the branch at TrayMsgsToSkip, and you'll see that for "tnCapture" it reads "True". Change the setting to False, so that these messages will not be skipped.
NANY 2012 Release: Ethervane Echo
Now Echo will pop-up a tray notification balloon every time it captures a clip.
you can't click direct on an item when ethervane echo has not the focus:
The first click gives the focus back and selects the first item then the 2nd click is the item I need.
Maybe you can give the focus back immediately on the item I click (the item I want to copy or paste).
It gives also a problem pasting clips. p.e. when an external application has the focus and I want to clip an item from Ethervane Echo and I double click p.e. the 4th item, the 1st item will be pasted.
-robbero (February 21, 2012, 01:51 AM)
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I can't confirm this. Does this happen with the same configuration settings as you describe below?
I noted something strange.
When FinalWindowAction is set to waRestore
When "Stay on top" is disabled and
When minimizeondeactivate is set to true,
Ethervane Echo restores itself after clipping and immediately hide again.
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That's because minimizeondeactivate is set to true. I'm sorry, it cannot work both ways at the same time. With that configuration, you are telling Echo to restore itself after pasting but also to minimize when it is not active. And, after pasting it is not active, as it shouldn't be, because you are working in some other application (the one into which you pasted a clip). The settings to stay on top and to restore after pasting only make sense when minimizeondeactivate is false.
When FinalWindowAction is set to waRestore
When "Stay on top" is enabled and
When minimizeondeactivate is set to true,
after pasting a clip (double click on item) and then copying a text in an external application ethervane echo doesn't clip the item.
--- End quote ---
Actually, the clip is captured, it just doesn't appear in the list. (Check it by switching to another view and back.) Echo just doesn't refresh the view, because it thinks it does not have to, because minimizeondeactivate is set to true :-)
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