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NANY 2012 Release: Ethervane Echo

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Ethervane Echo works great!  I really like it and have a comment and a question.

1.  As requested earlier in this forum, I too would like an "always-on-top" feature.  I like to keep the clipboard open on top of other applications while I work.  Setting the MinimizeOnDeactivate to "False" works to some degree, but requires me to lose some screen real estate.

2.  Is there a way to change the settings so that clips are pasted in plain text by default when I single-click on a clip?

Many thanks.

when trying to add cf_dib or other formats to the store-in-echo-list, the application crashes when clicking the ok-button (Error [EEchoInternalError]: TClpFormatRegistry: Clipboard format "cf_dib" (type: System) already exists in the registry)
-Sascha (January 11, 2012, 09:37 AM)
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Confirmed. It seems that at the moment it is impossible to add a format that's defined in the system. I'll fix this ASAP.

feature requests
close to tray on pressing the X

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Added to wishlist.

possibility to configure the directory for saving the database
possibility to configure the directory for saving the application-settings (ini)

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Could you explain why this would be useful? It'd help me design the best way to implement this. Echo already uses a fairly involved logic to figure out where to store the database and config (are we portable? Are we running from a removable drive? Is the removable drive read-only? etc.), and I have to be careful making any changes to these parts of the code.

Also, using the portable version you can already have the config and data stored wherever you want, just by installing Echo there.

Note that it is quite impossible to specify in options where the config file should be located, because Echo has to read the config file first to load that setting :) I could only store this preference in the registry, but as a rule I'd rather not touch the registry at all (and I've obeyed this rule so far). If not the registry, I could add this setting to the "master.config" file (there's a Help topic about it), but in that case the setting would apply to all users running Echo on a computer.

Would it be sufficient if I added a command-line argument to specify the config and database directories? You could add it to the shortcut used to start Echo.

possibility to change shortcuts like F2
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What would you use instead? I can easily add more than one shortcut for some functions. A complete keyboard customization would take more time. And there would be certain limitations, e.g. you cannot assign certain keys which are used when editing clips in-place or are necessary to navigate the tree, etc. It could be more trouble than it's worth.

do not autopaste items on pressing enter - only copy them to the clipboard (like ctrl+shift+c)

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Disable pasting entirely, or just swap the function of (Shift+)Enter and (Shift+)Ctrl+C?

always show date and time for last saved items instead of e.g. "8 minutes ago"

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Preferences -> Display -> Friendly dates -> set to False

do not block capturing when editing an item internally or externally. sometimes it is useful to capture a part of an existing clip and save it to a new clip

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Yeah, this is a to-do, but I need some time to do it properly. Capturing clips from inside Echo may sometimes have undesired side-effects. E.g., when the in-place editor is active, capturing a clip will close that editor and jump to the latest clip, etc., and I don't think I can stop that from happening (AFAIK it is not possible to add an item to the list while another item in the list is being edited).

Thanks! Now I'll go look for that bug...

Ethervane Echo works great!  I really like it and have a comment and a question.

1.  As requested earlier in this forum, I too would like an "always-on-top" feature.  I like to keep the clipboard open on top of other applications while I work.  Setting the MinimizeOnDeactivate to "False" works to some degree, but requires me to lose some screen real estate.
-jash (January 11, 2012, 10:46 AM)
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I'll do that as soon as I figure out exactly what is broken in Delphi XE's component library. In earlier versions it was enough to toggle a flag to make a window stay on top. But if I do that in XE, all dialog boxes show under the main window, which makes the whole application unusable. Nothing I've tried to far has worked, so right now I am simply unable to add this feature. Need to do more research. (And yes, there are some workarounds to be found on StackOverflow and elsewhere, but they don't work in Delphi XE.)

2.  Is there a way to change the settings so that clips are pasted in plain text by default when I single-click on a clip?

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Single-click? Then you could not navigate the tree (at least not with the mouse). You **can** have Echo paste as plain text by default (on Enter or double-click):

Preferences -> Pasting clips -> Priority formats -> select sfPlainText

when trying to add cf_dib or other formats to the store-in-echo-list, the application crashes when clicking the ok-button (Error [EEchoInternalError]: TClpFormatRegistry: Clipboard format "cf_dib" (type: System) already exists in the registry)[/li][/list]
-Sascha (January 11, 2012, 09:37 AM)
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Found and fixed. I'll upload a new release by the end of the week, but for now you can just replace your ethervaneecho.exe with the one attached to this message.

2.  Is there a way to change the settings so that clips are pasted in plain text by default when I single-click on a clip?
-jash (January 11, 2012, 10:46 AM)
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Single-click? Then you could not navigate the tree (at least not with the mouse). You **can** have Echo paste as plain text by default (on Enter or double-click):

Preferences -> Pasting clips -> Priority formats -> select sfPlainText

-tranglos (January 11, 2012, 12:39 PM)
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Thank you tranglos for your quick reply.  I stand corrected.  I had meant "double-click" in my original post.  In any event, your recommendation to select "sfPlainText" does not seem to work for me:  clips are still being pasted with original formatting rather than in plain text.  Unless you are aware of a bug with "sfPlainText", I suppose the problem may well be on my end.  I'm running Ethervane Echo in portable mode on a Win7 64bit machine.


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