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Donation gamer: Games to give

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And... nobody wants Portal? There's cake!
-iphigenie (August 30, 2011, 04:37 PM)
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But...! You know :)
-Lashiec (August 30, 2011, 06:36 PM)
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it could be my motto

"But there’s no sense crying over every mistake.
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake."

It's Chime's fault I know all the lyrics to that song...

I'll take another copy of portal! I can give it out :) I know someone who needs it.

Against my better judgment (I have way too much I should be doing to start playing games again), maybe I'll try a go at Portal if there's still cake left.  Thx. :)

I'll take another copy of portal! I can give it out :) I know someone who needs it.
-Josh (August 31, 2011, 09:27 AM)
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not sure you can take it then give it on, you might have to give me the id

Against my better judgment (I have way too much I should be doing to start playing games again), maybe I'll try a go at Portal if there's still cake left.  Thx. :)
-40hz (August 31, 2011, 10:35 AM)
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do I have you in steam? give me a ping


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