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'Work Done' Lists Sofware, any ideas ?
I'm looking for software which works similar to "to-do" lists but also offers logging feature. By logging i mean keeping track of weekly, monthly and daily tasks. For example, you've done 10-12 tasks today and marked them as completed. So this information needs to be accessible in sorted format as per day, week, months. Something like this -
Day 1 : | Week 1 | Month 1 | Completed Tasks | Pending Tasks
{ Task1 }
{ Task2 }
{ Task3}
{ Task4 }
{ Task5 }
I'm focusing on software that helps me log completed tasks for now. Any ideas ?
It seems like what your looking for is a "time sheet" program.
Take a look at Grindstone2 by Epiforge. The desktop app is free. They also offer online accounts if you want to sync among multiple machines. Once it's installed however, you can easily make it portable by copying a few files and changing the preferences to reflect the new location of the data file. Some very slick features too. Look at custom fields and think of all the clever uses you could find for them.
Good hands on review and discussion here.
I use for this. Make an entry per week inside that the schedule and one entry per day and inside that a worklog of things I did that day.
Wow. Workflowy is amazing! Thanks for pointing that out!
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