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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

E-mail clients review

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Oh, yeah: I have hundreds of the things - p.m. me with your email address, and I'll wing one over to you!

thanks m_s, that won't be necessary.  I just logged into my own gmail account and found I had 100 of them myself!

Do you really want to put all your eggs in the Google basket?-rjbull (March 14, 2006, 03:27 AM)
--- End quote ---

well, to set the record straight... i use GMail in conjunction with Thunderbird but as m_s said if i'm using my browser, it's more likely that i'll use GMail rather than launching Thunderbird... ;-)


P.S. my 1ooth post, yeah me! i can't remember another forum where i've gone past 50... :-*


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