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E-mail clients review

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The May 2006 edition of the UK magazine Computer Shopper has a review of e-mail clients.  They scored them as follows:

Microsoft Outlook 2003                  - 2
Microsoft Outlook Express 6            - 2
Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5                   - 4
Qualcomm Eudora Sponsored Edition - 3
Opera 8.51                                   - 3
Ritlabs The Bat! 3.65 Home Edition    - 5
Pegasus Mail 4.31                          - 3

So DC are not the only place that favours The Bat!  :)

I hand another 5 points to Google Mail! :)

I hand another 5 points to Google Mail! :)
-brotherS (March 13, 2006, 11:06 AM)
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And i support that affirmation, which makes it 10 points! ;)

I hand another 5 points to Google Mail! :)-brotherS (March 13, 2006, 11:06 AM)
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yes, i agree... Since Gmail came on the scene, I find myself using email clients even less... ;-)

yes, i agree... Since Gmail came on the scene, I find myself using email clients even less... ;-)
-lanux128 (March 13, 2006, 07:39 PM)
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I had been using webmail for years - but only in combination with email clients on my PC, since I was always missing stuff... Google Mail finally changed that!


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