Software > Coding Snacks
Desktop Background focus/unfocus tsr
Silly request (or is it?). I like to keep my pc distraction free but I also love interesting backgrounds. When focusing on the app I prefer not to be distracted by a detailed background so I took a nice background and blurred it a bit. You can download the original and blurry version. I'm very very happy with the result, so I was wondering if there is a tool that uses the gpu to blur the background when the desktop is not active, but fades the background into focus when there is no windows in the way. Too much for autohotkey I'm afraid so I can't do it. Apparently the effect on the windows theme is called Aero Blur.
Would make a nice NANY app or donationware tool?
Not sure if this helps, but I think you might be able to do it with ahk you just need aerolib. Just create a window with no contents and with the size of the screen (maybe a bit larger so you can hide its borders) and place it always on bottom.
The window should be something like:
--- Code: AutoIt ---AeroEnabled := loadAero() Gui,2: +lastfound gui2hwnd:=WinExist() ;handle. if(AeroEnabled) { Gui,2: Color, 0 Aero_ChangeFrameAreaAll(gui2hwnd) ;call the Function }return loadAero(){ If(A_OSVersion!="WIN_VISTA" && A_OSVersion!="WIN_7") return false If(!Aero_StartUp()) ;start the Lib return false If(!Aero_IsEnabled()) ;Make sure that return false If(Aero_GetDWMTrans()) return false return true} #Include Aero_lib.ahk
I hope that helps!
obviously, this only works for Windows Vista or better.
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