Other Software > Developer's Corner
Mouser asked me an addnote tool for his Farr tool...
Here's the beast that can be compiled there : http://gedd123.free.fr/studio/fbsl2exe.php
--- ---' // ------------------------------------------------------------------
' // Addnote -clip|-timestamp|-top YOURMESSAGE_UNDERSCORES_MEAN_CRLF :)
' // ------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim $szCmd1, $szCmdFull, %fp, $szTemp
Begin Const
file = ".\addnote.txt"
sepa = "------------------------------------"
End Const
szCmd1 = LCase(Command(1))
szCmdFull = Remove(Command(-1), szCmd1)
szCmdFull = Replace(szCmdFull, "_", CRLF)
szCmdFull = Trim(szCmdFull)
szCmdFull = Replace(szCmdFull, ch34 & ch34, "")
If Left(szCmdFull, 1) = ch34 AndAlso Right(szCmdFull, 1) = ch34 Then szCmdFull = Mid(szCmdFull, 2, StrLen(szCmdFull) - 2)
szCmdFull = Trim(szCmdFull)
If StrLen(szCmdFull) = 0 Then ExitProgram(-1)
Select Case szCmd1
Case "-clip"
fp = FileOpen(file, APPEND)
FilePrint(fp, szCmdFull)
FilePrint(fp, sepa)
Case "-timestamp"
'March 12, 2006 - 19:35:27 PM
fp = FileOpen(file, APPEND)
FilePrint(fp, GetMonth(Time(6)) & " " & Time(7) & ", " & Time(5) & " - " & _
Time(1) & ":" & Time(2) & ":" & Time(3) & " " & Time(4))
FilePrint(fp, szCmdFull)
FilePrint(fp, sepa)
Case "-top"
fp = FileOpen(file, BINARY_INPUT)
szTemp = FileGet(fp, FileLen(file))
fp = FileOpen(file, OUTPUT)
FilePrint(fp, szCmdFull)
FilePrint(fp, sepa)
FilePrint(fp, szTemp)
End Select
End If
Function $GetMonth(ByVal %iMonth)
Select Case iMonth
Case 1
Return "January"
Case 2
Return "February"
Case 3
Return "March"
Case 4
Return "April"
Case 5
Return "May"
Case 6
Return "June"
Case 7
Return "July"
Case 8
Return "August"
Case 9
Return "September"
Case 10
Return "October"
Case 11
Return "November"
Case 12
Return "December"
End Select
End Function
So mouser?
let me try it and report.. i think this will make a kickass addon for FARR.
working great so far (no pun intended).
in fact this is something that i think is so useful that im going to make a video demo movie of the latest farr and show it being used along with calc.
i have 3 requests though if possible:
1) make it parse all commandline arguments (ie until no more args starting with -); that way we can do addnote -top -clip blah blah
2) the first argument should be filename (or make it work like -file "filenamegoeshere"); this is very important, since people need to be able to specify custom files and where they should go.
3) the use of _ for newlines is not good; can we use the standard \n please?
Hi mouser,
Yes, all is possible in FBSL!
1) To get Commandlines ytou can use this :
For i = 0 to CommandCount()
szCmd = Command(i)
Next i
And then you can parse each one starting with wanted keywords and so on...
2) no problem, you have to document it :)
3) just do this mod :
instead of :
szCmdFull = Replace(szCmdFull, "_", CRLF)
type this :
szCmdFull = Replace(szCmdFull, "\n", CRLF)
But, actually i'm at office... so i have to work before playing, but you can add these mods yourself ;)
Maybe I missed something... what does "AddNote" do?
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