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Patent Wars: Apple Hits Samsung in EU
They will counter-sue but the damage is done in the EU - after all the advertising/promotion they are not allowed to sell any Galaxy 10.1 tablets that aren't already in the shops. If you live in the EU and want one don't wait!
Actually they will win in court (have you seen the stupid patent app!).
In the long run Samsung will come out on top in the EU - all everyone will remember was that the Samsung Galaxy 10.1 was the first device to really get Apple worried - especially as all the reviews say it is better than iPad2
-Carol Haynes (August 19, 2011, 05:13 AM)
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Apple iPad 2 vs. Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1v: Tablet showdown
It goes over specs mostly. (Though I fail to understand how the Apple App Store wins over the Android Market - it's kind of like preferring to live in The Village vs. just about anywhere else.)
It will be interesting to see what unfolds...
The restriction has already been resized to Germany-only (from EU without the Netherlands where a separate lawsuit has been filed), as the German judge decided he might not have jurisdiction across all of Europe. IMHO he should be dismissed, as that was rather obvious before enforcing his ruling and it now looks like he's been favoring Apple in some way. my opinionAnd with that probably the entire lawsuit, but that might be too political.
lawsuits of this nature are only a barrier to free/fair trade and innovation. but then if you're sitting on pile of cash, a pile that is even bigger than what the Federal Reserve could muster, then smothering your competitors out of the market becomes a viable option.. after all paying millions to the suits are merely a small change.
I'm starting to see how we'll all end up living in an exaggerated sci-fi vision of the future; with just a few massive corporations running everything.
Welcome to the United States of Apple.
I'm starting to see how we'll all end up living in an exaggerated sci-fi vision of the future; with just a few massive corporations running everything.
Welcome to the United States of Apple.
-nudone (August 19, 2011, 07:16 AM)
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Reminds me of Idiocracy...
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