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BumpTop - last free version BumpTop-2.1-6225.exe
EDIT 2013-05-20: Quite a lot of people have been downloading this file recently. Could you post a comment in the discussion thread below as to why you got the file and what you thought of BumpTop? It would be interesting to know what use people might be putting it to and what problems it may have or help overcome. (Thanks.)-IainB (July 15, 2011, 09:51 PM)
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Because you asked so nicely, I created an account for ya. I fired up your download and it still works nicely. Rainmeter stays on top so it combines with that too. It's amazing that a tool that stopped development over 3 years ago (which is like a gazillion technology years) still is the most stylish desktop replacement. Even on Windows 8 it runs like a charm. Can you imagine if this project was still alive and all grown up... boy, that would've been something. On that note: Google, you're a beotch!
I used to be one of the 'VIP Testers'. I had a great deal of input in the development of the program. I still have the email:
Thanks for signing up to be a BumpTop VIP! We're looking forward to your help in making BumpTop [email protected] 3 March 2009
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Go figure, "making BumTop great"... Shame they sold their souls instead.
Anyhow, thanks for keeping the download alive. I'm sure many more will enjoy this awesome 3D desktop :Thmbsup:
@Timmmmaaahh: Many thanks for that ^^.
What you say is rather interesting.
It rather seems as though Google had simply bought it (BumpTop) to kill it, but if that were the case, then quite what the motive might have been I have no idea.
Some people (not me you understand) might say that the killing of BumpTop would of itself be a very good reason for installing it and running it, just for spite, but I couldn't possibly comment.
Maybe Google considered them as a potential competition at the time. After all, the "touch" market was at the brink of evolving to an unseen global level and BumpTop was really hitting it off. In 2009, Apps were getting hot and Android launched mainstream. Either Google bought BumpTop because they had wild plans with it (but it turned out that it just doesn't work on a phone?) or they bought it just for the sake of 'buying them out' to eliminate the threat. I guess we'll never know...
Sorry for dragging this classic from under the dust, but it deserved an update IMHO.
I was perusing the web and bumped into (see what I did there?) this: https://github.com/bumptop/BumpTop
Looks like this project was open sourced back in 2015. Looks like it didn't gain any traction, but at least it's there!
Of course, I immediately downloaded and installed it. It works for the main part, but conflicts with Stardock Fences. Disabling Fences made it work, sort of. Like pinning things to the walls doesn't work, and things glitch out a lot. BumpTop still looks pretty great! The physics of throwing icons around provides a lot of satisfaction. Unfortunately, it's become unusable overall, as it's very buggy, and didn't grow with today's needs.
.. BumpTop still looks pretty great! ..-Timmmmaaahh (October 09, 2024, 02:04 PM)
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Do you know if there is a compiled exe (Windows) of the latest?
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