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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

A List of Freeware Utilities

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My friend sent me this yesterday. I've tried out a few of the applications mentioned.

I'm just guessing, but I'd say it has about 250 programs listed.

brotherS: has the full list, really helpful, especially for non-geeks!

420 programs! :o

Only problem: DC tools are missing...

lanux128: has the full list, really helpful, especially for non-geeks!-brotherS (March 11, 2006, 03:28 AM)
--- End quote ---

a good list! here's my point of reference for freeware alternatives: Pricelessware 2006

MAN! I just finished going through the awesome list on the forum, only to notice that it was copied from the website posted by brotherS above (

Looks like the neowin list is even better!

If I could make a request Deozaan; please put the link to the original in your first post.

Windows-Tools on CD-ROM a large collection of Windows Freeware
that can be run from CD-ROM like Bart's PE Builder, (or USB stick)

from ==>


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