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NANY 2012 Release: Got Space?

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Great utility, SJ, thanks! And I think I have a new puzzle for you:

Drives A and B are listed as floppies, but they're not. They're weird :)

B is a subst drive, my mnemonic for Backup. It's a subst'ed folder on an external G drive. (And G is listed as local probably because it's plugged in via Firewire, which I don't think is distinguishable from true local drives. Windows itself and ShadowProtect can't tell the difference either.)

Now, A is a partition of my first fixed HDD. I use it as scratch area (temp folders, browser caches, Archivarius indexes, all that). So it's actually a sibling partition of C. Windows knows that, but Total Commander doesn't (it does not display exe icons, as it thinks it's a removable drive). So, not floppies :)

Here's what the Extended Info command says about them:



(Btw, you may not need the period after "Extended Info" command in the context menu.)

I know, poor choice of drive letters! I just got tired of figuring out whether 'p' or 'q' is better for a particular use, and realized I had two perfectly good letters sitting around unused at the start of the alphabet.

Stoic Joker:
@ tranglos - I swear I typed a response earlier this week, but it's just... gone... I don't know were it went.

Early in the project I ran into issues with the Floppy drives lagging the refresh and throwing errors if they were empty. Given that the BIOS forcibly assigns letters A & B to floppy drives, the handling of those two letters is a bit different to make them easier to skip early in the refresh process.

The Extended Info. dialog collects its information independent of the main interface. So the MS-DOS device name will correctly show the actual target path of the drive letter. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it is handy (at least for me) for finding out where a mapped/SUBST'ed/DFS drive letter actually points.

Great little app!   8)

Given the nicest thing about this is it does near enough exactly what I want without a ton of extra junk like graphical displays of free space, scans etc I'm wary of mentioning these, but two features I'd like to see:

1.  Option to not display removable drives with 0 used - I've 4 card reader slots, which always show as removable, always 0 used apart from the 20 seconds a week when I'm transferring pics.  If I disable removable in the app I lose these, but I don't get to see my external HDD or USB sticks.

2.  Option to show drive labels

1.  Option to not display removable drives with 0 used - I've 4 card reader slots, which always show as removable, always 0 used apart from the 20 seconds a week when I'm transferring pics.  If I disable removable in the app I lose these, but I don't get to see my external HDD or USB sticks.
-Stunt (January 04, 2012, 01:48 AM)
--- End quote ---
You could exclude the specific driveletters by setting these in the Options panel (F8).

And an issue report:

* 'Save position' doesn't seem to save the last position used when GotSpace is closed, but only when configuration is saved


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