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NANY 2012 Release: Got Space?

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Man, you've got this program rocking!  I appreciate all the hard development work, SJ!

Build 25 now available!
-Stoic Joker (October 30, 2011, 03:24 PM)
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Thanks for including the version number in the name of the download, that's convenient!

Just tried and it's a lot easier to click once for the info than multiples.
I'm using XYPlorer and have it set as my default file manager.  When I select explore in Got Space the Windows Explorer manager comes up.  Is there a way to bring up XYP instead? Unless I missed it, didn't see where use of an alternate file manager has been brought up before.


Okay folks, you asked for it... Build 25 now available! :D

Whatz New:
Window height will now autosize itself to allow display of all drives without the need for scrolling (this behavior can be disabled in settings). When you add a drive, it gets bigger! Remove one and it'll shrink.

Drives can now be hidded by drive letter(s) ... Just enter a string of what you want to hide, and they disappear!

If you can't get the option you want/need on the context menu for drive X, just hold the Shift key while right clicking and all options will be added to the menu.
-Stoic Joker (October 30, 2011, 03:24 PM)
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It...Is...Awesome! - Its now pinned to my taskbar so I dont need to find my calculator each time i need to check disk space :D

Stoic Joker:
Is there a way to bring up XYP instead? Unless I missed it, didn't see where use of an alternate file manager has been brought up before.-bob99 (October 31, 2011, 09:31 AM)
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At the moment no, but I'll look into it. I assume... You're volunteering to beta test what I come up with, yes? :)


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