Software > Finished Programs
DONE: App that keeps track of money you find
You could probably make use of my Snap DB application:
Very often I am finding money; usually coins or small bills that have been lost or dropped. Am wanting an app that would keep track of this over time, break-down amounts by currency found and type (coins, bills, some of both) (example: 13 nickels, two $1 bills) and total dollar amount found (examples: today $2.25, 2009 $31.47) and could compare or graph this information. Would also like an option to enter the location of where it was found, have the app keep track of recurring locations (mall parking lot, city park, etc...) and list or graph totals over time by location. Was thinking this would almost be a great smart-phone app, but whatever platform would be cool! Thanks!
-caddo (July 02, 2011, 06:12 PM)
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What kind of phone do you have?
Skwire . . . Thank you! Am going to try your database program!
Renegade . . . currently am using Motorola Droid X. (Am waiting for release of Bionic!)
I've taken a stab at this, and I give you "Tracker of Found Money":
DONE: App that keeps track of money you find
Features Implemented thus far:
* ability to add money found, including date found, number of each type of coin or bill, and the location where you found it.
* ability to search saved files in a particular date range, to return all "I found money on this date" files in that range.
* ability to click on one of the found files to view the particulars of that find.
* ability to add custom "locations found" to the drop-down comboBox
DONE: App that keeps track of money you find
DONE: App that keeps track of money you find
You can download it by going to My Downloads Page. It's the first program in the table (at least, it's first at the time of this posting), and is about a 348 Kb download for the setup program.
Possible future improvements:
* ability to sum all found money between two dates
* graphing of data
I've taken a stab at this, and I give you "Tracker of Found Money":
-kyrathaba (July 09, 2011, 07:42 PM)
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:up: Looks really good! I'll have to remember to download it next time I find some change :)
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