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DONE: Foreground wallpaper

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v1.0.6 - 2015-01-21
    + Added ability to set a hotkey to bring up the transparency slider.
      (Thanks, ScreenManiac)
    + Added new commandline parameter to set the transparency value.  This value
      overrides any saved value.  Usage:  -trans:<0-100>
    ! Fixed an erroneous startup message box if certain conditions were met.
      (Thanks, TaoPhoenix)


This is actually pretty clever, now that it works!

Not content to leave well enough alone, I fiddled with opening multiple copies of it. A multi layer effect is interesting!

I think the main thing I'd like is an easy way to always do "nosetwall" without having to type a command path somewhere.

 :) Thanks a ton. I really appreciate it, the super-quick implementation and that you made both options available, the hotkey and the command line parameter.  8)

This raises the Windows experience to a whole new level, everything is suddenly so much more fun, it even spices up tedious maintenance chores.

Multi-layer effects are indeed interesting.
Concerning the command line - you know you can move your .lnk shortcuts into C:\Users\YourName\Sendto
This turns them from drop targets into right-mouse entries. You right-click an image file anywhere and hand it over to one of your lucidity presets.

:) Thanks a ton. I really appreciate it, the super-quick implementation and that you made both options available, the hotkey and the command line parameter.  8)
This raises the Windows experience to a whole new level, everything is suddenly so much more fun, it even spices up tedious maintenance chores.-ScreenManiac (January 21, 2015, 11:29 PM)
--- End quote ---

You're quite welcome.   :)  I'm glad you find the application useful.   :up:

Star Weaver:
I know you don't want to vastly expand the wallpaper sizing functions of this but could you possibly make it work with the output of Wallpaper Welder for us multimonitor people? <3


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