Software > N.A.N.Y. 2012
N.A.N.Y. 2012 Brainstorming, Suggestions, General Discussion
Anyone interested in a program that would mark documents/files as templates then easily allow you to create new documents from these templates? It's more a interface gimmick than anything, but I noticed I never use the context menu > new menu and I also never reuse documents (always start from scratch) but it would be much more productive if I could base files off other files and have a nice list of templates to choose from.
New "Timesheet"
New "todo list"
New "meeting report"
justice, i think its a very good idea.
Anyone interested in a program that would mark documents/files as templates...-justice (August 08, 2011, 08:05 AM)
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Sure, especially if there's be a way to make them specific to allow calls to certain sets based on which program has the focus:
Excel running:
+1 on this justice. Would be quite useful.
Had another idea/need for a tool, wonder what you guys think of this:
Every time your computer reboots, it searches for the mapped shared folders. This will slow down the boot process enormously, especially if the other computers are turned off. However, manually mounting shares is a pain. You are able to prevent this delay using my nany program. It will remember a list of network shares that get mapped to drive letters when the program is started, with an option to start this program at boot.
edit: I've just been told Windows 7 startup is not delayed anymore because of this.
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