Software > N.A.N.Y. 2012
N.A.N.Y. 2012 Brainstorming, Suggestions, General Discussion
Every time your computer reboots, it searches for the mapped shared folders. This will slow down the boot process enormously-justice (August 10, 2011, 08:14 AM)
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For this very reason, I've used a batch file to map my drives for years and years now. It's really very simple:
net use z: \\server\share <password> /user:<username> /persistent:no
The "/persistent:no" part is the key and is what keeps Windows from trying to map the drives itself on the next boot (allowing the batch file to do the work).
yeah and instead of z: you can use * and it will pick the last available drive letter.
Idea: WindowsStealer :)
It would be nice to have an application similar to WinSpy which would show the list of all controls from clicked application window and save it to some file format (XML?). Such file could be later converted to i.e. SVG, HTML, DFM, etc.
Maybe something like this could be an extension to Screenshot Captor?
Idea: WindowsStealer
-fenixproductions (August 12, 2011, 09:11 AM)
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Yeah, nice idea :up:
Maybe something like this could be an extension to Screenshot Captor?
-fenixproductions (August 12, 2011, 09:11 AM)
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No, that would add bloat to something that's in a total different league.
Should be added to a WinSpy/WinInfo-like tool, IMHO
I put two pledges in this year... I have ideas for 2 more small ones given time: an add-on for RIFT and another desktop gadget for checking RIFT server status and news (they're so easy!) It just depends on time...
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