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N.A.N.Y. 2012 Brainstorming, Suggestions, General Discussion

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This thread is for brainstorming ideas for pledges.  Feel free to ask any questions regarding the 2012 NANY event.  Valuable suggestions always show up on these threads each year during NANY, as more experienced programmers weigh in with advice.  You can also feel free to post a Pledge-Request here, asking for a particular sort of program to be entered.

I've got a great NANY idea for someone with a lot of time on their hands. Go download Future Pinball and create a DonationCoder pinball machine. Donationware: how cool is that. You can download loads of pinball tables for free and they load up in the editor ready for adjustment and you can script it etc. If you're not on XP you need to run it in Win XP compatibility mode, but set the graphics to maximum in the preferences and it looks really good. Even if you just want to play pinball I can recommend this and download a few tables there is a browser within the program.

I'd assume you need both scripting skills, and create your own graphics (you might be able to get loads of pinball sounds from exisitng tables or freesound?) but the image of playing a Cody Pinball table fills my eyes with tears.

N.A.N.Y. 2012 Brainstorming, Suggestions, General Discussion

If this is a fork of Visual Pinball (which it looks like it is...) the scripting is dead-simple.
Just look through some of the other tables to get an idea how to advance a counter, pop up a new ball, flip the flippers, etc.

Damn, I wish they had a native client for Linux, I used to LOVE VP.

From time to time I play some Futurepinball-tables - good idea!  :Thmbsup:

Excellent idea justice!  If I'd not already made my two contributions (made?  I'm still working on them, I suppose), I'd try my hand at it.  Hope to see a few attempts by people.


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