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Restore programs that were running at system shutdown (with selection)

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The trouble here is that not all applications can restore to the document/project they had open when you want to close them, but that it is nearly impossible to determine what document/project they have open when you close them (externally). There would be so many different methods to try to determine that, that it's nearly impossible to pack that into a 'nifty little tool'.

You'd better have a good look (again) at the Hibernate feature of your computer, as the 'previous machine' you mentioned earlier is not your current computer, and the wrong point of reference. (IOW: "Any assumption made is wrong by default.")
Windows 7 (or Vista for that matter) does a whole lot better a job at hibernating, then Windows XP ever did. And with decent hardware even XP would do that just fine.

To completely save state and restore on next power up would likely require a completely redesigned computer system.  All the hardware drivers would have to be in firmware with a standardized way of calling them to initialize. I could only see it for some dedicated hw, such as military where all 48,000 computers in all 48,000 of the same model tank are exactly the same.  So software/firmware could be written for identical computers outfitted with identical peripherals.

To completely save state and restore on next power up-MilesAhead (May 27, 2011, 02:02 AM)
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Isn't that what's called 'hibernate' in Windows???

To completely save state and restore on next power up-MilesAhead (May 27, 2011, 02:02 AM)
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Isn't that what's called 'hibernate' in Windows???
-Ath (May 27, 2011, 03:46 AM)
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In the OP he says he is wary of it...

To completely save state and restore on next power up-MilesAhead (May 27, 2011, 02:02 AM)
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Isn't that what's called 'hibernate' in Windows???
-Ath (May 27, 2011, 03:46 AM)
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In the OP he says he is wary of it...
-joiwind (May 27, 2011, 05:24 AM)
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But that's with his 'previous machine'. As I stated yesterday, that's as good a 'comparison' as oranges vs. pears... :down:


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