News and Reviews > Best E-mail Client
If I ever release a program that has an exclamation point at the end of its name, please shoot me.
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Really. I find it pretty stupid as well. I always hated the name Yahoo! chose as well. See, didn't you mentally think "end of sentence" after "Yahoo!"?
Regarding PocoMail... What exactly is confusing about handling multiple accounts? You can easily specify the incoming and outgoing mailboxes to use (and you can specify any one of your mailboxes for each), and you can use filters for more control.
Still, I will give TheBat! a look (you did it again after the "!", didn't you?). I'm tired of PocoMail's bugs. None are severe, but putting up with several minor-but-annoying bugs has put my blood on a slow boil, especially when the author was notified of these bugs years ago in some cases.
Still, I will give TheBat! a look-Scott (May 16, 2005, 03:02 PM)
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I have to take that back. Unless a serious discount comes through, there's no way I will or can pay this much for an email client:
35 Euro = 44.15600 US Dollar (The Bat! Home Edition)
45 Euro = 56.77200 US Dollar (The Bat! Pro Edition)
I can't believe that PocoMail itself is $40. I paid $25 for it originally (don't know what the 3.0 upgrade cost, though).
This just seems excessive to me. Maybe I'm just out of the loop. It seems as if TeraByte Unlimited is the only shareware author who hasn't gone insane with the prices lately.
PocoMail- $40Eudora- $50Opera- €34Becky- $40
.. seems to be about the price level today, but I agree it's a lot of money.
Opera is $40 USD, but I don't think that's as bad, since it is a lot of things rolled into one, not the least of which is a nice, secure browser. (Yes, I know it's really "$39", but I can't stand those targeted-at-idiots mind games, and don't like to play along.)
I went back and gave PocoMail another look and I've updated the review to indicate that in fact the way pocomail handles folders vs. accounts is a very nice idea. Jibz and I were talking about how Becky! tries to do something similar but in a rougher way, and i completely overlooked that in fact PocoMail was doing this in a nice way.
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