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What's with all the blank lines in emails recieved from Outlook users?
Back when we thought the invention of the QWK offline message reading format was the pinnacle of technology. ;)
-Innuendo (August 09, 2009, 10:31 AM)
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Back then... it WAS! :D
Coming back to this ten years later, and it is still not fixed.
If someone sends me a mail from Outlook and I copy and paste the mail text somewhere else, I usually get like four paragraph marks (one of them followed by a non-breaking space) between every single paragraph
Is that because even the guys at Project took a bribe with that silly giant poster that Microsoft sent them (instead of fixing Outlook) -- which apparently froze them with a foolish grin instead of moving on with kicking Microsoft's ass?
Edit, JFTR:
I asked if they could make TB! start any editor of your choice, i.e., present the message you were working on as a file for your preferred text editor to work on. That's the way many systems worked back in the Fidonet DOS days.
-rjbull (August 07, 2009, 10:57 AM)
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A solution for Outlook? Nope.
But your second request could be solved by visiting this link. Didn't check if it works with Outlook, I try to prevent installation of that software wherever I can.
He's not asking for a solution for Outlook for himself, but for copying and pasting from messages sent to him by an Outlook client if I'm understanding correctly.
Coming back to this ten years later, and it is still not fixed.
I asked if they could make TB! start any editor of your choice, i.e., present the message you were working on as a file for your preferred text editor to work on. That's the way many systems worked back in the Fidonet DOS days.
-rjbull (August 07, 2009, 10:57 AM)
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-David.P (June 28, 2018, 04:10 AM)
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I wasn't clear... I meant The Bat!, not Thunderbird.
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