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What's with all the blank lines in emails recieved from Outlook users?
I'll quote it here. You can see how the wrapping is already screwed up in the post. I wrote to the mailing list using Microed and everything looked fine on the screen editor in the program, and you can see how it showed up:-superboyac (August 06, 2009, 05:41 PM)
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I use MicroEd as well, but turning on Auto-Format under Editor Preferences stopped that behavior for me.
The Bat is awesome in 90% of everything, but it's editor has issues also, and they never get fixed.
-superboyac (August 06, 2009, 03:37 PM)
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I asked if they could make TB! start any editor of your choice, i.e., present the message you were working on as a file for your preferred text editor to work on. That's the way many systems worked back in the Fidonet DOS days. For example, I used GoldED (one of the few... the proud... the REGISTERED), and GoldED had both a rudimentary editor of its own, and the ability to use whatever text editor you wanted. Same with the Terminate terminal/point system/fax/mini-BBS etc. program, which even had many popular editors already set up in its configuration file.
For example, the Bat still can't wrap lines like a normal editor.
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I do like the way you can press Alt-L and have it tidy up the shark's-teeth formatting, but it should be more automatic.
These are all very complicated solutions to a very simple problem. There's no need for an external editor in this day and age for email programs, unless you're trying to do something very specific. All I'm asking for is normal wrapping behavior. Even this forum post box wraps normally. An email editor should be able to wrap without problems.
I asked if they could make TB! start any editor of your choice, i.e., present the message you were working on as a file for your preferred text editor to work on. That's the way many systems worked back in the Fidonet DOS days.-rjbull (August 07, 2009, 10:57 AM)
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Oh about flashbacks...I had almost forgotten the way things worked back then. Back when we thought the invention of the QWK offline message reading format was the pinnacle of technology. ;)
An email editor should be able to wrap without problems.-superboyac (August 07, 2009, 04:34 PM)
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Have Auto-Format and Auto-Wrap turned on in the editor preferences and MicroEd will wrap without problems. Well, almost no problems. There's still a few quirks, but most of your gripe will be fixed, though.
There's no need for an external editor in this day and age for email programs, unless you're trying to do something very specific.
-superboyac (August 07, 2009, 04:34 PM)
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I'd like to be able to use an editor I'm comfortable with, rather than be forced to use yet another embedded editor with less features and its own quirks.
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