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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

SSD Drives - something to consider before taking the plunge

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It's worse than you think Deo! If you assume it takes about 10 seconds to get "partially undressed" (try it, it's a reasonable estimate) and about 30 to get fully undressed (remember we're talking about typical speeds here, not "I'm trying to get undressed as fast as possible), then the following is true (at a minimum):

You waste 80 seconds per day undressing.

In 1 week, you have already wasted more than *nine minutes* of time.

In just 1 month you waste 40 minutes.

In a year, you waste 8 whole hours!

In an average life of 75 years you would waste *23 and a half days*!

This is clearly a vital issue. Surely we need legislation on this, amiright?

- Oshyan

you people are wasting your life posting!!!!
just think it took you 20 seconds to post this.. you could have spent those 10 seconds installing an ssd drive!!!
you are wasting your lives!!!!!

you people are wasting your life posting!!!!-mouser (June 18, 2011, 08:28 PM)
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You heard it straight from the cat's mouth! I guess it's time for us all to give up DC. Just think of the hours you'd save every week!

Imagine the time you waste actually doing things! You could cut it all out! Save even more!

If you cut out everything, in an average life of 75 years, you'd save 75 years!

you people are wasting your life posting!!!!-mouser (June 18, 2011, 08:28 PM)
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You heard it straight from the cat's mouth! I guess it's time for us all to give up DC. Just think of the hours you'd save every week!
-Deozaan (June 19, 2011, 03:49 AM)
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Hmm... In light of that (considering the amount of posting I've done) maybe I'd better take a closer look at this DC involvement of mine. Especially since it comes from The Cat himself.  ;)


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