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Daily Autohotkey
I don't know if this topic is posted already in some another sub-forum. I thought it's good idea to see what autohotkey apps are most of us are using on daily basis. Or apps made in autohotkey that you can't live without ? Just wanted to see if there are some good autohotkey apps that are missing from my radar or are worth to use to save time everyday on computer. :-)
Daily Autohotkey? Good idea ( i loved to read DailyVIM too)
One script of mine is to translate english to german.
I am german and can't english very well, so i use QuickDic (a little free portable app) to my translation aid.
Usually i do
- select an word
- copy to clipboard
- focus QuickDic
- paste in the word - read - and minimize QuickDic
Now i have handicrafts an ahk script to help me doing this more easier and quicker.
I don't say that this is done well, just showing an idea:
--- Code: Autohotkey ---; # Win, ! Alt, ^ Control, + Shift, RControl Right Control RControl & ^Q:: send ^c ;current selection to clipboard ;SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ;1: must start with ;2: can contain ;3: must exactly match ;SendMode, Input IfWinExist, QuickDic { WinActivate, QuickDic } Else { DetectHiddenWindows, On ;see invisible windows - zB um Windows im Tray zu erkennen WinRestore, QuickDic ;Un-minimizes or un-maximizes } IfWinActive, QuickDic send ^a ;select all for overwriting send ^v ;pastereturn
Hmm, it seams that the Code Highlighting for AutoHotkey is somehow broken?
So again in AutoIt:
ahh, i see the Code Highlighting for AutoHotkey is only messed up in the preview (with FireFox) and looks ok once posted.
Why would you want to limit that request to AutoHotKey apps?
And there are several other threads on most used/useful apps already ;D
There's a numlock always on script posted by lanux that I have in my startup.
The only AHK app I use daily is Belvedere. I use it to clean out my Firefox "Downloads" folder. I'm a bit of a download hoarder, and I forget/neglect to clean out the downloads, so I just have Belvedere delete everything over 3 days old. Keeps me from getting confused, or using older versions for installs.
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