Do you need beta testers?-PhilB66
If you mean by 'beta testers', someone who'll buy the tickets and then give me all proceeds of winnings, (I'd reimburse you the ticket cost - I'm not that much of a skinflint), then the answer is yes

OK, on with the perpetually evolving piece of randomly generated code: Short2Real v0.19

Since you last possibly downloaded it:
- Added: Option to just duplicate the folder tree, no copying is done. Selecting this will disable the Delete and Rewrite options - makes sense once you think about it.
- Added: Option to rewrite the original shortcuts to point to the new file/folder location. Only done if the copy was successful because it has to delete the original shortcut first. The Delete and Rewrite options are mutually exclusive, selecting one disables the other.
The next time you might download it:
- Progressbar - still a definite maybe.
Feel free to test it out on your most prized files, files where if they disappeared you'd run around the house screaming, "I'll kill him! Honest to <bleep> I'll kill the <bleeping> <bleep>!!!"
BTW, I have no idea if this will work on a computer using strange foreign characters, (foreign as in non-English).