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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

Misconfigured Servers from Tech Companies


A long time ago I encountered a little hiccup:

That's a symptom of a different problem -- It's a bad idea to allow compression for compressed files.

Compressing files on the fly disables the ability of a server/client to calculate the download time. For a web page, this isn't really important, but for a large download of several MB or many MB or even GB, this is an increasingly serious problem.

In layman's terms: When you see a download that has no calculated time estimate for the download, THIS is the problem.

But I'm still seeing this configuration problem at different "tech" sites.

I don't consider myself a guru in this area, so I'm surprised that so many sites still compress files on the fly that they shouldn't be.

Is anyone else seeing this? Or am I just noticing it?

Stoic Joker:
Can't say I've ever tied the two together, but I have run across the sizeless download annoyance a few times. I'll have to watch for it in the future.


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