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Science Fiction and Fantasy Reading List
Apparently Neil Gaiman received an e-mail in regards to this whole issue, and his response is priceless!
-wraith808 (April 29, 2011, 09:31 AM)
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@wraith - Thanks for that Gaiman link! Found myself nodding in agreement and uttering the occasional Sandman-like "Indeed?" or "Quite so!" as I read Neil's wise words.
;D :Thmbsup:
A Voyage to Arcturus - David Lindsay
A Voyage to Arcturus - David Lindsay
-joiwind (April 29, 2011, 04:13 PM)
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Excellent recommendation! :Thmbsup: One of the best lesser known sci-fi fantasy novels out there. Thought it was better than C.S.Lewis' Silent Planet Trilogy even though it shared some similar concepts and themes.
^ Maybe relink them as thumbnails instead? Takes quite a while to load them...
-wraith808 (April 29, 2011, 01:30 PM)
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I put them in a spoiler. They're hotlinked with img tags.
A Voyage to Arcturus - David Lindsay
-joiwind (April 29, 2011, 04:13 PM)
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