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Uninstalling Google Chrome can mess up your PC(if it was set as default browser)

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Actually when I posted earlier about using the "portable version" it was misleading. I used a snap shot zip file and unzipped to a folder other than program files. It uses the AppData\local\chromium info and should pick up all your bookmarks etc..   But the reason I mention it, I think it might be a work-around to use a snap shot zip, let it pick up all the info from your installed chrome, then remove the chrome that's in Program Files.

I forget what they are exactly now, but I know the chromium root code google chrome is based on, is minus some of the intrusive nasties that google chrome adds.  The reluctance to be uninstalled might be one of them. I haven't tried deleting all my chromium folders as I still use it as secondary browser. I'm back on the FF bandwagon now that I have SyncPlaces again. :)

My problem is that when Chrome took over, although I did not select it as default, as soon as it landed,
it grabbed all my drawings (jpg) and photos, and switched the icon attached to them.
Now, when I click on older folders, the pictures show up.  The newer ones get "an error ocurred - do you want to continue to use script for this file?_"
I know a little about html, but have never used script on my webpage or anything else.  Whether I say yes or no,
the problem remains.
Will I create a disaster by eliminating something from the registry?
I've never messed with that either, but am tempted to try almost anything.
I uninstalled Chrome because it insisted on putting another tool bar on my desktop when I already had three.
I always hated Microsoft, and now, I hate Google even more!!
My excuse for not buying an Apple is that I have an older drawing program, and Apple isn't compatible.
I found that after I paid for the bloody thing, then had to return it with a restocking charge.

I would try installing Chromium, not google chrome. It's compatible chrome.exe and all the folder locations are the same. The extensions work the same. But it does not have some of the intrusive stuff google chrome has, like trying to install toolbars.

You could try this one

I don't know if there's such a thing as a chrome "removal tool" like Nero and Norton have. Might be worth a search if installing Chromium in place of it doesn't work.


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