Special User Sections > General Review Discussion
Day of the Review - link/create/renew reviews
Looking back at the superexceptionally successful fund raiser campaign I thought it might be a good idea to have a campaign for reviews as well. Since reviews are not as essential as funds, the effort will be less: not a whole month of frantic updates and watching the moneymeter grow but maybe something less elaborate. Let me elaborate (haha, pun intended):
How about we have a month-long campaign for reviews, but only set aside one day of each week. That way it would run for a month --enough time for the newsletter readers to catch up-- but won't occupy people too much. The idea is to look for reviews on other sites and post about them on review day; or to review older reviews and renew them (if that's possible: some of our reviews are very exhaustive, redoing them could become exhausting); or to post newly created reviews on this very day.
I want to include external sites so we can build a library of reviews if you will. There might be lists of reviews out there, but I don't think they are maintained by the fine Donationcoder folks.
What's your take on this?
In our irc channel this idea was regarded with favor :)
Which day should we pick? Should we try for a month and optionally extend for another month?
Just to make sure I understand about one part...
The idea is to look for reviews on other sites and post about them on review day
-housetier (April 22, 2011, 08:01 AM)
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So post links to reviews on other sites? I'd think it would be better to write a new review for one big reason... that the other site might go away in the future, expiring our content because of the expiry of another site. It's the same reason in my understanding that we don't allow links to pictures.
Am I misunderstanding, or what are the thoughts on this perspective?
the other site might go away in the future
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That's a good point, I hadn't thought of that. I was trying to show courtesy, if you will, to those other sites.
Maybe we could get the original author to contribute something.
But I agree the reviews should be hosted here at DC.
I am a fan of having special things happen on certain days of the week, so i'm in! just tell me what day and i'll try to write a mini-review of something!
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