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Anyone here using a standing desk?

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A brief article from Cornell University, with conclusions extracted from studies done there, and the recommendation of taking a break by getting up once in a while, like many posters have suggested through the thread.

Something that everyone should be doing to avoid the dreaded carpal tunnel syndrome, right? Yeah, me neither :P

A brief article from Cornell University, with conclusions extracted from studies done there, and the recommendation of taking a break by getting up once in a while, like many posters have suggested through the thread.

Something that everyone should be doing to avoid the dreaded carpal tunnel syndrome, right? Yeah, me neither :P
-Lashiec (September 20, 2011, 06:26 PM)
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I use kirby's alarm to set alarms on every hour to take a break for 5 minutes.  And every three hours during that time, for the first minute I do a minute of deep breathing.  It helps more than it would seem for such a simple change...

Although I haven't tried a standing desk, I know enough about such ideas to know this would be my experience:

Although I haven't tried a standing desk, I know enough about such ideas to know this would be my experience:
-mouser (April 10, 2014, 06:15 AM)
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Funny...but the picture of him sitting slightly back with legs elevated is the way I've been sitting when I'm at a desk for most of my life. And that's despite regularly being told it was "healthier" to "sit up straight and keep both feet planted squarely on the floor." Slouching back (as I call it) seemed to be my preferred posture for anything requiring long periods of concentration or brainwork. The body just seems to disappear and the mind go into "the zone" whenever I'm seated like that. (Although after all these years of repetition, I may have just conditioned myself to focus whenever I'm in that position.) I've discovered I can remain standing to draw, build, or do something active. But I can't remain constantly standing and truly and deeply concentrate on something. I will get up and pace around - or stare out a window every so often while working on a 'mind project.' But my best 'thinking position' is definitely seated and fairly stationary. And I don't think I'm all that unique in that regard.

Most of the people who I've heard advocate for standing desks are noticeably athletic younger people with no disabilities or old injuries to deal with. They're like those trainers you occasionally run into at fitness centers who've been decidedly fit and healthy their entire lives and simply can't comprehend anyone being any different.

Like her:

You know the type.  ;D

It's not just slouching, however.  Note the posture of his back.  If your monitors and keyboard are not at the correct angle, you will tend to crane your head forward while in that position.  Until I lowered my chair, I found myself doing that, and had aches and such in the back of my neck.  Your neck needs to rest supported (which is the reason that the high backed chair is important also).


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