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Anyone here using a standing desk?
Do people with standing desks ever use anti-fatigue mats? I have one in my kitchen and it makes a world of difference in terms of easing pain on feet from standing for a long time.
-mouser (April 29, 2011, 09:47 AM)
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I heard most people use some kind of mat, though there seems to be no agreement about what is the best solution. Almost everyone I heard of uses some kind of stool to shift the weight from one foot to the other.
By the way, this is the setup I used during my Beta period. Absolutely don't forget the glass of wine.
<img src="">
I stopped thinking and went to action a couple of moths ago; it was a pretty straightforward job, took 4 wooden bars and lifted my desktop to about 106 cm. If you like to do it yourself, measure to achieve a height where your elbows would be exactly at keyboard level. I can stand and type with my arms in a natural relaxed position. As I don´t *always* want to stand, I use a fancy barstool, so I can sit when I like.
I´m an old-scool designer (55 years old) and started my job on drawing tables like engineers used to have them, the board tilt to almost horizontal. I worked on final art ant typesetting montages on Schoellershammer Cardboard with rubber cement, that kind of stuff. I still can bite my ass for having sold the table 15 years ago... worst error ever. When i started working sitting down, my physical condition degraded rapidly.
All day standing, however, isn´t all to healthy... but you will be very much more mobile, step back from your monitor, walk around and come back, it´s an outright more physical approach to desktop working and on long hauls you will sit and stand, both as long as you like. Don´t think a lot about it- give it a try.
It's finally here! I made a small table and used it to turn my digital illustration desk into a standing desk.
They say one should use an ergonomic stepping pad, or something, but I walk barefoot all the time and I this isn't my only working desk (I'll let the other one remain a sitting desk, at least for the time being), so maybe it won't be a problem. We'll see.
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-paulobrabo (April 29, 2011, 08:59 AM)
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Yeah, looks really cool :Thmbsup:. Don't know why, but it reminds me of the Bremer Stadtmusikanten. The TFT would be the rooster ;)
Yeah, looks really cool :Thmbsup:. Don't know why, but it reminds me of the Bremer Stadtmusikanten. The TFT would be the rooster ;)
-phitsc (May 06, 2011, 04:56 PM)
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Lol. A friend who saw the photo told me that to complete the setup I should make a low chair and put my old chair on top of it.
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