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I may have a more efficient solution, if you have the lungs and the attitude to do it...
Imagine that you are in an extremely noisy environment but you very life is depending on the computer, and then...
"tell" her to keep off that machine!
(see attachment in previous post) (see attachment in previous post) (see attachment in previous post) (see attachment in previous post) (see attachment in previous post) (see attachment in previous post)
-Curt (April 15, 2011, 09:37 AM)
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Why do you assume it's a "her"? :P
Because only a woman would be awesome enough to turn off your computer for you while it's "not in use" so you can save a few cents on the power bill. ;)
tie an evil dog near your computer ^^ just kidding..
my idea is to mount your motherboard and other peripherals inside your cabinet and put a dummy PC casing, mouse and keyboard out..
I can think of tools that would disable all keys but a subset, but making the power button be ignored is not all that common (well, i would know how to on linux/bsd)...
In your specific circumstances I would think that a screensaver or tool that makes the computer look very busy might be a better scenario :)
Ooh, reverse psychology... Good call.
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