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look at the size of my recycle bin !!!

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yep, that's often the problem with this tools. I installed samurize ( some times ago, which is as i believe "the old bull". There are really a lot of desklets and it is nice looking, but of course it costs constantly cpu time.

Isn't that the standard size of icons on Vista? :P

ah, so there is a good reason to have vista afterall.

128x128 is the default size if you have a high-res monitor, otherwise you get like 100x100 (something in that range, maybe 96x96?)

128x128 is the default size if you have a high-res monitor, otherwise you get like 100x100 (something in that range, maybe 96x96?)
-wreckedcarzz (February 27, 2008, 06:04 PM)
--- End quote ---

Yeah, and those numbers translate to: SMURFIN' HUGE! Even on a 1280x1024 resolution!

One of the first things I did when I installed Vista was find out how to make the icons small again...
Then how to turn off UAC...
Then how to revert back to XP.

Okay, so I'm exaggerating on the icon size by a little. And I liked Vista but I didn't like some of my programs not working with it. The thing that broke the camel's back to get me to revert back to XP was actually a false impression: I thought something was wrong with the video drivers because sirens would go off when I was playing games. Turns out my CPU fan was dying and the sirens were telling me that either the temperature was too high or the CPU fan was spinning too slowly.

But I reverted nearly a year ago and I just realized about the failing CPU fan within the past couple months. Imagine my displeasure of going through a format, then waiting so I could take my computer to my parents (who live about 150 miles away) so I could plug in a stupid, arcane, obsolete floppy drive to the system to get it to recognize my SATA drivers to do the XP install, only to find out that the sirens weren't going away. (Though they didn't show up immediately.)


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