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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

When you make your 100'th Post

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Carol Haynes:
Damn - I am going to have to up my count - I have already slipped from 2nd place ...

Whomever beats mouser's post count first gets an e-cookie and lots of "congrats" :P

I'm almost 1337: 1,312 and counting :D

Whomever beats mouser's post count first gets an e-cookie and lots of "congrats" :P
-wreckedcarzz (January 12, 2009, 05:22 PM)
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C'est impossible!

I can't believe I just hit 1000 with this.

Q: Goodness can anybody gab so much? :-[

A: That's easy - business has been slooow! ;))

here’s my 5555th post:


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