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When you make your 100'th Post

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I did my stinkin' best to catch SJ's 3000th post, but he must have made that one while I was sleeping, so I missed it :o

Congrats Stoic Joker :Thmbsup:

Stoic Joker:
 :huh: Hell, I'm not sure where that one went myself.

:huh: Hell, I'm not sure where that one went myself.
-Stoic Joker (January 24, 2012, 05:45 PM)
--- End quote ---
FWIW, I assume it was here and then 8)

Stoic Joker:
[face Palm] Sorry, I think I was posting while you were trying to count. If the profile post history is correct; it's this one.

Congrats SJ! Da man! :Thmbsup:


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