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When you make your 100'th Post
Here's another milestone that deserves some attention: :Thmbsup:
40Hz => 5K
Congrats, 40hz :Thmbsup: a real milestone.
@tomos & Ath - thanks guys!
I'm gonna have to start slowing down a bit on this. Figure if each post averages about 60 words, then 5000 posts = approximately 300,000 words! Bugger! That's about the same number of words you'd find in Lord of the Rings - or four standard novels.
Hmm...maybe I'd finish a lot more of the writing I should be doing if I did a little more of that and a little less of this next time I get a spare ten or so minutes.
Here's another milestone that deserves a little attention:
Congrats, Ampa :up:
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