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When you make your 100'th Post
My #2500
When you make your 100'th Post
Congratulations, Curt :Thmbsup: I'm sorry I missed it - I'd been watching for it as well (not closely enough it seems :-[) :o
I'm really looking forward to trying out this app (gotta get new speakers first though :P)
f0dder *almost* slipped in under the radar with his 5000th post:
f0dder *almost* slipped in under the radar with his 5000th post:
-Darwin (January 07, 2009, 03:17 PM)
--- End quote ---
I'm impressed. Especially when you consider the detailed tech posts f0dder often creates- some of which border on being publishable articles in their own right.
Mouser: is there any way to check how many words f0dder (and possibly some of the other more prolific and literate members) have generated up on DC?
It might be interesting to see who has said (as opposed to posted) the most in the forums.
f0dder: Bravo! Very well done. :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:
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