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2011 Fundraiser Giveaway Extravaganza - WINNERS POSTED
Thank you all winners for expressing their gratitude, acceptance & appreciation of the product/company. Helps a lot:
Gautam Jain
Great! :) :) :) I plan to put Surfulater to good use.
Thank are awesome :)
But are you nuts? I'm on diet right now...Anyone wants to win the cake? Mouser will organize a big cake giveaway drawing...Join NOW! ;D
A lie? Why is that? Sometimes you are a pure source of usefullnes (e.g. when you recommend myBase which i immediately purchased when i tried it after your suggestion on the forum) and sometimes you are a pure riddle for me. :)
WONDERFUL drawing! You are an artist. Together with Nudone our DC Art-Studio! :)
I think we need to dump that Nany-Mug stuff for prizes. I'd prefer a Cody metallic figurine for Nany 2011 in the style of Chisakus (Cody on a pedestal). I'd pay for one if i can get one of this (if not for Nany) with engraved "For my best friend JoTo" on the pedestal.
I want something Cody-esque for myself. A plushie or a figurine. One of this. Main point, something in 3D what i can put on my desk, get in hand and feel it. And i want it NOW! *JoTo shows mouser his madest and forcible face" Move your a... errrr....i mean: May you so kind to organize something? Thank you! :)
A lie? Why is that? Sometimes you are a pure source of usefullnes (e.g. when you recommend myBase which i immediately purchased when i tried it after your suggestion on the forum) and sometimes you are a pure riddle for me.
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From Urban Dictionary:
Roughly translates to "your promised reward is merely a fictitious motivator".
Popularized by the game "Portal" (found on Half-Life 2's "Orange Box" game release for PC, X-Box 360, and PS3).
During the game, an electronic voice encourages you to solve intricate puzzles using cake as a motivating perk.
When you have "broken out" of the game's initial testing phase (from threat of death), you find scrawls on walls of the innards of the testing center warning you that "the cake is a lie".
--- End quote ---
P.S. Call me weird, but I'm actually a bit relieved that I didn't win anything.
So, in a way, I won exactly what I wanted!
WOOHOO!! Thanks guys!!
I am a lucky beggar.
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