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What Android Apps Do You Use?

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Been using Llama and I have to say it's an excellent piece of software.

It uses mobile phone antenna towers to determine what actions to take when you enter or leave an area.

At the moment I have some areas set, (home, library, some friends places), so that when I enter them the WiFi gets turned on, when I leave it gets turned off.
At home between 2300-0700 it switches to silent, (no noise, no vibration), when I leave the area during 2300-0700 it switches to normal, (ringer + vibration).  Other places between 2300-0700 it will switch to quiet, (no noise).

The developers blog is at kebabapps where you can pick up the latest betas, (including NFC and Roaming detection).

That sound quite nice!

Does it function well?  Getting accurate location information seems far from easy.

Does it function well?  Getting accurate location information seems far from easy.-ewemoa (July 06, 2012, 07:01 AM)
--- End quote ---

Yes, when you enter an area you want to create a trigger for, you tell it how long you are going to be in that area and it will use that time to "learn" what mobile antenna towers are nearby, anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours - the longer it has, the more accurate.

eg. For me, at home it lists 9 towers.

And here's some events:

It's not only restricted to things that happen due to you moving through areas, you can also trigger on:
Active Application
Airplane Mode
Alarm Time
App Notification Bar icon
Audio Becoming Noisy
Battery Level
Bluetooth Device Connected/Disconnected/Not Connected
Calendar Event
and many, many more....

I do use the following apps for android:

call recorder
android browser
android file manager
android torrent
angry bird

And i am really enjoying it now..!! ;D

...when you enter an area you want to create a trigger for, you tell it how long you are going to be in that area and it will use that time to "learn" what mobile antenna towers are nearby, anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours - the longer it has, the more accurate.
-4wd (July 06, 2012, 07:16 AM)
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Thanks for the follow-up and details.  It's good to see that there is at least one approach that works -- now if we can get people to use this type of thing to auto-switch to vibration mode in certain public areas :)


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