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What Android Apps Do You Use?

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A-PDF Newsletter-2011.04.01 (No Joking today, 50% OFF on AppMK)

Screen capture for rooted androids...

Try "Shootme"
-tsaint (March 31, 2011, 04:49 PM)
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Thanks for the suggestion.

Unfortunately, I didn't have any luck tracking down a reputable non-market source for this.

Also looked for drocap2 for root users, Screen Capture Shortcut Free and PicMe with similar results.

I guess via patience and appropriate future devices this sort of thing won't be necessary.

I guess via patience and appropriate future devices this sort of thing won't be necessary.
-ewemoa (April 01, 2011, 07:28 AM)
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Indeed. I was honestly surprised when I learned that I need to either root my device or install the SDK just for taking screen shots when I wanted to make some for the micro reviews. And getting this to work with the SDK was not even trivial!

Screen capture for rooted androids...

Try "Shootme"
-tsaint (March 31, 2011, 04:49 PM)
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Great Scott! I was distracted by your avatar tsaint and my peripheral vision read your post as:

Screen capture for rooted hemmrhoids
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So go on, shoot me  :o
-Darwin (March 31, 2011, 09:49 PM)
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;D ;D ;D

Just found this one:

Overlook Fing - Really good network scanner.
-4wd (April 01, 2011, 05:57 AM)
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What a cool app!


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